With the simple words of an angel
Conceived and brooded by the Spirit
You invaded our world
Majesty dwelling amongst the Cherubims
You descended into a manger
King of ages ageless Eternity
Unperturbed by the bleating and lowing of your creation
You nested there for me
Shepherds believed your story Chief Shepherd of the sheep
The simple rejoiced at your appearing the world contained no notice
You needed no earthly affirmation no timbrels no trumpets no dances no drums
The celestial choir was in full voice
Only the childlike find the frequency of the eternal
Her ethereal melodies drowning earth's feeble dissonance
But You appeared to me
King of the manger Lord of the universe Master of the galaxies
The sun the moon and the stars knew your appearing
Wise men came looking for divinity in nobility
But you were not there
Yes, there was a cry in Rama Rachel mourning and weeping for her children
But Herod could not find you
You were hidden for me
The manger did not threaten you the palaces did not elate you
Friend of the weak succour to the poor healer of the afflicted
You hung between heaven and earth in your final moments
You prayed for your enemies
From the trough to the cross you remained the same
May I be more like you
Your throne is forever my King in a manger.