Jesus Christ, years ago, rose from the dead to settle a debate once and for all.
Is He the One?
Is He the One to bruise Satan's head?
Is He the One to bring a total victory to all mankind?
Is He the long awaited Redeemer?
Is He the Deliverer spoken of?
On resurrection morning long ago the debate was finally settled
All of hell shook as the Holy Spirit stepped in and raised Jesus from the dead.
He triumphed over principalities, over powers, over the rulers of the darkness of this world, over wicked spirits in heavenly places
He triumphed over satan himself
All to give you the victory.
He made a show of them openly
The train of His robe filled the temple signifying He defeated all of them
This He did for you and I
That we might stand strong in all situations and boldly declare the blood of Jesus separates us from every attack of the enemy
It acts as a dividing line that says thus far and no more
We can boldly say His body was broken and bruised that ours might be strong and healthy
Jesus did it all just for you and I
He paid the price once and for all.
You are free