You are the Father's heart beat!
Abba desired a family so He made you.
You are the crown of His creation because He prepared everything for you.
He crowned you with glory and honor
He crowned you with Himself.
You failed him so He mounted the cross descended to hell for your rescue.
Now seated at the Father's right hand.
You are Abba's eyes, hands and feet on the earth.
The turmoil, noise, wind, rain and storm try to hide His face. But you know His love is intentional
unsolicited never based on conduct, performance and accomplishments.
In the mud and mire He stayed the same.
In your failures He held out His hands.
When your tears flowed He wept.
Abba is mindful of you. He wears your tattoo as an eternal reminder of His love.
His good thoughts towards you are numerous, endless, infinite, eternal.
He is Abba.
The Father who never stops giving.