set as the flint insoluble as the limestoneinhabitants under siege cling togetherhowling whirlwind dark clouds cluster the horizonunperturbed the eagles mount over the elements eyes of the heart beholding the […]
set as the flint insoluble as the limestoneinhabitants under siege cling togetherhowling whirlwind dark clouds cluster the horizonunperturbed the eagles mount over the elements eyes of the heart beholding the […]
cacophony of voices in discordant concerto unseemly bed follows glued togetherunequal yoke breaking the neck sticking with foes preferring the nod masqueraders of distress wear a broad smilewith dagger to […]
waiting with bated breath as the marauding murky night marches onwinking only with one eye men filled with weariness watch for the morningfrightened restless and spent as the somber night […]
Collage of colors reflection of majestyPeacock’s feathers tribute to nature’s ingenuityStripe of roses complete every shade every tintPack of wolves sauntering in the fieldsBrown and white mating in the sunshineAssemblage […]
Age swallows up time as the grave passing as the traveler’s shadow hours days months and years pour into the hour- glassEvaporating as the morning mist, swift as the eagle […]
Conceived by greed crafted by the hands of manAssortment of diversity tinkling bombLand of milk and honey Eden’s gardenStressed by insecurities worn by agitationsSwallowing up the inhabitants enriching the poachersWorn […]