King In A Manger
King of the Universe wrapped in swaddling clothes
Divinity laid in a manger amongst lowly creatures
Immortality nested in the arms of mortal beings
Announced and celebrated by the heavenly host
Simple shepherds rejoiced whilst nobles and royals went missing
Unperturbed by the bleating of sheep and the lowing of oxen
Complete and content he laid as the universe hushed at His coming
What manner of Savior is this?
Never before seen nor heard never envisioned
The Word the One before the beginning origin of life in mortal garb
A habitation you desired amongst men
The spoken Word quickened in a virgin’s womb
To deliver the blood without blemish
Always looking out for us just as in Eden’s garden
Wise men journeyed from afar guided by your star
Falling down to worship in your home with presents fit for a king
Hell and Herod shuddered at your birth
Slaughtered he did Bethlehem’s children in all her coast
From two years and under no reprieve no respite
Weeping and lamentation in Rama* Racheal inconsolable
Indestructible for you carried a destiny revealed by the Spirit only
Traveling the expanse of space defying time you landed in our manger
Seeking for us with passion you pursued with reckless abandon
The pursuit of the Holy one makes me alive
To be loved chased by the Ancient of Days my highest honor
Who am I? A vapor a candle flame a fading flower the dust of the earth
But you always sought to dwell among your own
May you find your home in my heart
* Rama fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy about the slaughter of children by King Herod