Nothing Without You
What is my life if I do not live for you?
What is my song if my lyrics do not speak to you?
What is my dance if my moves do not stir your heart?
What is my walk if I do not keep in step with you?
What is my breath if you are not the air in my lungs?
What is a home if it is not your place of abode?
What is wealth if it is not a servant to you?
What is fame if we do not hide behind your cross?
What is a ministry if it does not make you famous?
What is history if it does not tell your story?
What is knowledge when your fear is missing?
What is a palace when you are not the king enthroned?
What is beauty when it does not mirror your person?
What is marriage when you are not the wine therein?
What is a family when you are not the magnet in the midst?
What is pleasure when you are not pleased?
What is pain when you are the balm in Gilead*?
What is work when your favor is denied?
What is anything when you have nothing to do with it?
What is life when you are not the hob of it?
Balm in Gilead: A rare, high quality ointment with healing properties mentioned in the Bible. It refers to Jesus Christ.